Pam Bondi is an Olympic Gold Medal Cunt

I deleted my latest Reddit account and deactivated my Bluesky account recently. I almost never use Instagram, but I kept my decade+ account there because it’s literally the only access I have to almost all of the people from my life. I don’t intend to use it much.

But I do need it, because there are times when I have to contact people I haven’t heard from in a while. I muted a particular person from my distant past so the site is minimally usable to me. I needed it yesterday, when I learned that one of my close childhood friends blew his brains out over the holidays. I had to reach out to a couple people to verify and commiserate.

I'm sure I will return to that subject later, because it deserves it and I am gutted and furiously angry at the world right now.

Today’s subject is, now that I no longer have any place on the internet burning shitsack to publicly vent my spleen, and receive regular dopamine hits as the dumbest people in the history of the world argue with me, I have to find a new bottomless pit to throw my worthless thoughts into.

So why not this blog? I can tappity tap on my keyboard and spew my usual self-righteous bile and at least recieve a modest dose of my favorite brain chemical, while (almost) no one has to see it, and I can spare (most of) my friends and acquaintances the random jerks online from having to reckon with what as asshole I am.

Pam Bondi is Trump’s Rapist McDiarrheapants’s latest nominee for Attorney General, after rapist Matt Gaetz dropped out. (I’m sure Blondi would rape women if she could.) I watched AT MOST two minutes of her confirmation hearing this morning and I can confirm that she is the rudest nominee I have ever seen in my life. When asked who won the 2020 election, Bondi said, “Joe Biden is President.” When the Senator asked her to actually answer the question, she sat stone-faced.

Now, lots of nominees are assholes. After all, their mere presence indicates they hope to be placed into the office for which they’ve been nominated, and you have to be at least a Level 3 Asshole to even want that. But this particular…specimen, nominated for the number one law enforcement job in the United States, can’t say Joe Biden won the 2020 election, even now. Can’t say that she would be independent of the White House. Can’t say that she won’t prosecute Trump’s Bitchass Crybaby’s political enemies. Won’t, in fact, answer any questions but, like a well media-trained chimpanzee, will only respond in political talking points.

So that’s all, that’s the post. I feel 3% better! Pam Bondi is a despicable cunt and she can go ahead get fucked forever.